most common Pedestals

The pedestals are made up of:

– a square or round base depending on the height
– a threaded rod in zinc-plated steel
– a head

common Pedestals

The head barrel has sufficient length to allow height adjustment within a range of +/- 20mm using a notched nut which ensures height adjustment and locking. The lugs on the pedestal head ensure horizontal centering of the panels.

Low height pedestal

The steel head allows height adjustment within a range of +/- 7 mm.
The panel rests on a conductive pad whose lugs ensure the horizontal centering of the panels.
These pedestals allow a minimum finished height of 70 mm.

Pedestals for high height (finished height > 800 mm)

Their composition and their adjustment device are identical to standard pedestals, but the threaded rod, limited to its useful part, extends a round tube.

Installation of the pedestals

The base of the pedestals is glued to the ground using a specially designed adhesive.
The base may include a device allowing the quick and safe fixing of the earthing braid.

Load capacity

All our pedestals meet the requirements of the NF EN 12825 standard: the admissible load on a pedestal must be at least equal to four times the admissible load of the system tested.

Low height pedestals
Stringers on pedestals

Assembly principle

Clip-on stringers on pedestals

They are made of treated steel U-shaped profiles. A notched stamping allows them to be clipped onto the pedestals heads. This device provides great rigidity and better stability to horizontal forces. The height of the wings is adapted to the performances to be obtained:

  • 30 mm deep: type 30/15
  • 45 mm deep: type 45/15
Structure support plancher technique
Adding stringers

Our pedestals and stringers have been sized to meet numerous techniques, also allowing crossings of boxes, or the positioning of cable trays.